
#1 Stranded In The Country

This event took place many years ago and I would guess I was likely in my late teens, while I was still living at home on the family farm.

My parents bought a yellow Toyota hatchback for us kids to drive. My older sister used it while she was still at home. After she got married, and since I was next in line, I used this car to get around. I would drive to youth group, choir practice, to visit a friend, drive to high school, etcetera.

Growing up on a farm, I drove on many gravel roads. The church we attended was out in the country and the roads to get there were all gravel and off the beaten path. One day I was heading to church for some kind of event and, about a mile from home, the little yellow Toyota began to sputter and struggle. Quickly moving to the side of the road, the vehicle slowly died out and shut down.

My dad was a hard man and had given clear directions of my responsibilities regarding the vehicle. Checking the oil was something I was supposed to do on a regular basis. Well, I was a teenager and that wasn’t on my priority list. He also taught us how to change a tire so that we wouldn’t be left stranded if we happened to have a flat.

When my vehicle died on the side of the road, I had a very good premonition of what was wrong. Popping the hood, I checked the oil. The dipstick confirmed it. I knew my dad would be furious if he would find out and I would be in big trouble if I ruined the engine.

Feeling frantic, I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. This was long before the convenience of cell phones. I had no means of contacting anyone. I was alone on a gravel road out in the country and I was scared.

Suddenly, a car came by, pulled over and stopped. Four guys, similar to my age, hopped out and came over. They asked what was wrong and wanted to help. They told me that they were not from the area but were just passing through. I felt some trepidation over being surrounded by four strange guys in the country and yet, oddly, I also had peace.

Explaining my predicament to them, I tried to come up with a solution so that my dad wouldn’t find out what I’d done. I knew a neighbor down the road, a family f,rom church. I suggested they drive me there to see if the farmer would have some oil I could use. They were happy to help me out.

Getting into their vehicle with them, the four guys drove me to the farm and, after explaining my situation, I asked the farmer for some oil. Thankfully, he had some and was willing to help. Although the details are a bit fuzzy by now, I believe the four guys gave me a ride back to my stranded car and the farmer drove there with his own vehicle.

Amazingly, after the oil was added, the car started with no issues. The four young men said their goodbyes and left. Knowing my car was now functioning, and after I had thanked him profusely, the farmer also left. I was grateful that the car continued to work perfectly after that with no problems. Looking back, that was a miracle in itself. And, my dad was non-the-wiser. I had avoided a verbal lashing and I was thankful.

Since that encounter, I have often thought of the absurdity and unlikelihood of what happened. Why would four guys who were travelling through an area resort to dusty side roads? The small Manitoba town close to our farm was not a busy or bustling place, and staying on the highway would have been a much faster way to pass through. Their story just didn’t make sense. How did they happen to choose the gravel road where I was stranded? The whole scenario seemed a bit far-fetched. And, they were willing to stop and help. Plus, I felt a peace in trusting them.

Whether Heaven sent four angels to help me out, or God directed this carful of young men on a detour on country roads, I will be forever grateful for the intervention. I am also thankful for my neighbor’s willingness to help out. As far as I know, he never did tell my dad about the low oil level on the car, or relate the incident to him. My dad never confronted me about this situation and I know he would have, had he heard of it.

Now, in the day we live in, I would never advise a young woman to get into a vehicle with a bunch of young men she does not know. I also realize that it could have ended badly for me if those young men had evil motives. But, I am still convinced that God sent me help that day and I will be forever grateful.




Once we get to Heaven and God shows us a reel of our life, we will discover how many times we were rescued, protected or redirected by supernatural means. What a divine privilege it is that, during our time on earth, God gives us snapshots into the supernatural realm, unusual happenings that announce that Heaven is present and involved in our lives.


For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.

Psalm 91:11


If you would like to share a personal story of supernatural protection or angelic activity in your history, please reach out. Private message me on Facebook messenger and I will explain the details. I would love to share your testimony on my blog as an encouragement to others. As it says in Hebrews 3:13, Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today’.


Colleen Reimer

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