
The Leader’s Meeting

The next day Magdalon left early in the morning and headed back to the Royal Palace Grounds.

I was sitting at my desk when, mid-morning, a visitor arrived at Krishay Manor and he was seen into my private study. As soon as I saw him I recognized him as one of the runners for the cause.

When the servant, who had seen my guest into the room, left and closed the door, I stood and said, “Tupac, why have you come?”

He gave a small bow.

“The formalities are not necessary. We are fellow revolutionaries.”

“Oh but it is necessary. I must act the part here in Dwarkaa High Society.”

I motioned toward a chair for him to sit.

“No thank you. I won’t be long.”

“All right.” I went to stand before him and asked again, “Why have you come? Do you bring news of the revolution?”

With a slight smile, he said, “I think most of the news is happening right here under your nose. All the leaders have heard wind of what is taking place in Dwarkaa High Society and they are eager to hear form your own lips what your plans are.”

“They don’t trust me.”

“I don’t know about that. I do know they want to meet and discuss how to move forward.”

“When?” I asked.

“Tomorrow at noon if possible. They realize it is short notice but they desperately want to hear from you.”

“I can’t come. I have an assignment to complete.”

“We’ve all heard about your ambitious endeavors.”

“I am doing what I was commissioned to do. Why are they demanding I come? They are interrupting my work.”

“I am simply the runner and came to inform you of their request. I would suggest you take the time and make an appearance.”

“Or what?”

“Or, they will send someone here to discuss the happenings, a much more dangerous proposition.”

I paced before my desk, frustrated that my plans were being thwarted night after night. I still had tonight to perform some killings but I doubted I’d get anything accomplished on the day of travel. I finally stopped pacing and faced Tupac.

“Where are they planning to meet?”

“There has been a lot of activity at your childhood home. The Tonrar have been keeping a close eye on the activity, comings and goings at your Venilia Estate. The leadership has decided to meet in Venilia Village but at an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. They suggest you come in your usual way and arrive at your estate. From there, you, Razmig and Vanora will be transported with one of the menial horse and carts and travel over to the warehouse. This way you will be able to avoid detection in consorting with the revolutionaries.”

“The whole thing sounds dangerous. What if the Tonrar notice us exiting the horse and cart when we arrive at the warehouse? I could be reported.”

“Everyone knows the risks but they still insist on your presence.”

Releasing a huff of air and still feeling perturbed over the change of my plans, I finally said, “All right. I’ll come. Tell them I’ll be there.”

He nodded, turned and left quickly.

That night I again set out to continue my mission. I finished in record time, returned to Krishay Manor and, thankfully, slept well.

When I awoke, Akiko came to help me dress.

“I wish I could join you at this meeting. Pretending to be a ladies maid is wearing. I need a change of pace.”

“Sharpen my knives and swords while you wait for my return. Or, head into the gardens and collect some branches of the black locust trees and whittle me some more arrows. I’m running low.”

Akiko yanked at the back opening of my gown as she laced it up. She was clearly upset at being excluded yet again. Releasing a frustrated breath, she said, “This role I’m playing is not what I envisioned when I left my home farrin. You’re getting all the action and I’m twitting away my time as a ladies maid. I find it infuriating.”

“Carving arrows and sharpening my throwing knives is a great asset to this revolution. I cannot do my work without them.”

“Yes, but I still am not seeing any action.”

She finished with my gown and I turned to face her. “I know. I would not be able to endure this life if I did not have this release, this ability to stir up trouble. We are warriors from Akoni Farrin. War is what we do.”

“How am I supposed to survive this intolerable existence? Living in the beggarly district provided more interest, danger and intrigue. Here I twiddle my days away chatting with the other servants. It is utterly boring.”

“How about you join me on my next night mission? Would that please you?”

“Yes!” she exclaimed. “That would please me immensely.”

“All right. Make sure you have a sufficient wardrobe for the work and I will allow you to join me.”

Akiko seemed appeased as she assisted me to the foyer and watched as I entered the carriage.

The carriage lurched, turned and headed to the road. Although part of me dreaded this meeting, another part longed to reconnect with the other leaders to find out what was being accomplished on other fronts. The collaboration and hearing reports would hopefully be encouraging.

Two hours later, the carriage rolled onto my Venilia Estate and the Footman rushed forward to help me disembark. The door opened as I approached and a servant led me to the familiar study where I’d visited before.

Razmig and Vanora were waiting for me. They sat in two plush chairs and both turned to look as I entered.

“Come join us,” Razmig said, pointing to a couch.

I did just that, nodding to both of them as I sat.

“Shouldn’t we head out shortly?” I asked.

“We have a few minutes before we need to depart,” Vanora stated. “I asked the servants to bring some food. We need to eat before we leave.”

“Do you know why I was summoned?”

“Everyone knows why you were summoned,” Razmig said with a grin. “I hear you’ve been quite busy.”

“I don’t know what you mean.” I was in no mood to be questioned. I assumed there would be plenty of questions directed my way at the meeting.

Servants entered carrying trays of food and set them down on the low, round table before us. They came and went, bringing in tray after tray of victuals and drinks until the three of us were stuffed.

Finally, Razmig stood and said, “Let’s go.”

Vanora and I followed him out the back door where a rough cart stood, a single horse at the head to pull it and a small stepstool to assist in getting into the cart.

“We’re traveling in that?” I asked. There were no seats and no roof to protect from the wind.

“Is it too primitive for someone of such high esteem?” Razmig asked.

Inhaling and releasing a breath, I said, “I believe I have grown soft and spoiled in my new life in High Society.”

Razmig offered his hand and I took it as I lifted my skirt and stepped onto the stepstool.

Razmig said,“We will need to be completely concealed. Although it won’t be the most comfortable ride, it is necessary to avoid detection.”

“What are you implying?” I asked as I stepped up into the cart. The short sides would not provide any protection at all. My elaborate hairstyle would be ruined.

Vanora said, “We will need to hunch down and a tarp will cover us. That should keep out the wind and keep anyone from seeing us.”

I nodded, sat down and lowered myself so that my head would not create a bump in the tarp. Razmig and Vanora joined me and a servant, a fellow revolutionary, spread the rough burlap sheet over us, securing it firmly on the sides. Soon the cart jerked and moved forward. I hoped the ride would be short.

A mere thirty minutes later the horse and cart rolled to a stop and the servant opened the back hatch, placed the stepstool on the ground and encouraged us to exit quickly. When I stepped from the carriage, Razmig extending his hand to help, I noticed that the servant had taken us to a back entrance, a spot that was hidden and surrounded by a fence and a stand of trees. I was thankful for the foresight.

We all hurried into the building and took a staircase down to the basement. The dank smell and dark space was perfect for a clandestine meeting. No Tonrar would dare enter such a dark, enclosed space. They are terrified of airless, buried places. We would be able to speak plainly without mincing our words.

Many leaders were already present and waiting. I didn’t see Kranti in attendance but I did notice Andrei standing to one side.

I walked over to him and said, “Hello Andrei. Where have you been these past months on Dwarkaa?”

“Hello Viveka. Look at you! You look the part of the most glamorous woman of High Society. What a transformation!”

I nodded and said. “It has been quite the shift from my home farrin. And, you remember me as an Akoni clan member from a base land mass. I believe the last time I saw you was on the ship as we journeyed the rough seas toward Dwarkaa.”

“It’s been a while. I’ve been residing in a hovel in a small fishing village not far from here. I had to get away from Dwarkaa City. Too many people know me there.”

“Yes. I heard your name being discussed by some Apolake Warriors at a Royal Ball. They were wondering what ever became of you and suspected that you died.”

“That’s all for the best. Dead is better than hunted.”

I saw someone enter the room and stared. I turned to Andrei and said, “Excuse me.” I headed for the man and, when he saw me, his mouth opened in shock. “Viveka?”

“Hello Kibou. Yes, it’s me.”

“Wow! Your beauty increases every time I see you. You’ve been eating well I see and I can no longer see your bones. High Society is growing on you.”

“Yes well. I must do what I have to do to promote the revolution. It has become a necessary evil.”

“You are very favored to live such a glamorous and advantageous life.”

“The transition has been more difficult that I care to say.” Gathering my thoughts, I asked, “So how are things going in your neighborhood, Kibou? What advances has everyone made?”

“We have done what you suggested, rigged the torture and killing devices. Many Royal Guards have been injured and killed but I’m sure retaliation will descend soon. It’s actually already begun. A larger portion of the populace is being rounded up and taken away. One of our numbers was taken but most are still alive and working hard. Those that shadow the Royal Guards back to their homes have been successful in breaking in and taking numerous things of great value to the revolution. We are gathering supplies at a great speed. And our food supply is also increasing, thanks to Thief and her group. Thankfully we are not as starved as usual.”

“That’s wonderful news. I’m glad you are encountering success.”

“You were the one to unite us. If you hadn’t come when you did, we’d still be waiting to join the cause.

We were both distracted as Razmig called the meeting to order. As I faced the room I noticed a few new-comers I had not seen before.

Razmig said, “Welcome everyone. We called this meeting to discuss the progression of the revolution and what advances each of you leaders has made in your circle of influence.” Pointing to a man beside him, someone I had not met before, he said, “This is Kuno. He arrived a few days ago from Renuka Farrin.”

I stared at the man, shocked that there was another land mass involved in this revolution, and wondered how many more farrins were part of this cause.

Razmig continued, “Kuno was inducted into this revolution by Kranti himself. Kuno is the only clan member from Renuka Farrin who has joined so far.” He turned to Kuno and said “Go ahead. Address the group.”

Kuno nodded and began. “Yes, as Razmig already told you, I arrived on Dwarkaa Farrin a few days ago and have found lodging in a port village not far from here. The ship I arrived in was then moved and re-docked at a secret location. I abandoned my home farrin and was residing and collaborating with Cadda Farrin, Kranti’s home turf.” Kuno pointed to a few others in the room. “These have joined me on the voyage.” He addressed a man in particular. “Ordway, tell them of Kranti and his work. Tell them who you are.”

Ordway looked fierce, strong and one to be reckoned with. “I was born free, outside the rule of Casimer’s regime. Being born a free man gives me a different perspective. I despise the idea of being dominated and controlled by anyone.”

Sounds of shock and surprise filtered through the room but he was wrong. He was not the only one who despised being ruled over by a tyrannical dictator. Those in bondage scream for freedom the loudest. I was willing to give my life to see Casimer removed from his place of rule.

Ordway continued, “Kranti is The Revolutionary. It was he who began to prepare for this many, many years ago. After a series of dreams and encounters, he began to steal babies from surrounding farrins, hid them in the mountains and caves of Cadda Farrin and raised them up into a mighty army. Casimer has no idea of this army. I am one of those babies that was stolen, who was raised as a free man, outside the jurisdiction of Casimer’s cruel tyranny. Although there are many of us, only a handful has come to begin our work here on Dwarkaa Farrin, prepare the ground work for what is to happen. I am one of the leaders of this great army, the army of children raised in freedom.”

We all stared at him in shock. I could not imagine being born free of Casimer’s harsh rule. I found Ordway’s tale amazing.

Ordway pointed to a woman on his left, “This is Luixa, another leader of the army of Cadda Farrin who travelled here with me. She was also raised free.” The woman was tall, strong and looked like an intimidating warrior.

Andrei asked, “So this child army, have they all grown into adulthood like the two of you?”

“The work continues as we continue to take infants from other farrins. The army ranges from babies to men and women my age. We number in the thousands.”

Absolute shock hit me again. How could this be? Thousands of warriors?

“When will they all come to fight against Casimer and his men?” asked a man I recognized from my home land mass.

“There is much ground work to be done first. It could be months, even years before that decision is made. Moving too prematurely could cause the movement to implode and crush our cause before we truly advance at all.” Ordway turned until his gaze was fixed on my face. He did not look impressed.

I returned his glare with one of my own.

Kuno spoke again. “We’ve heard that some of you are taking great risks and moving ahead too quickly without gaining approval first. Others are doing well, advancing at a more tolerable pace, not drawing too much attention. I, Ordway, Luixa, Razmig and Vanora will interview each of the main players separately and discuss our expectations.

Razmig pointed to me. “We will start with Viveka.” He pointed to a room off to the side. “We will meet in there. The rest of you will need to wait your turn.”

Being the first one selected made it blatantly clear that I was being targeted as being reckless. Fury roiled in my gut at the insinuation as I followed the leaders into the room and prepared for a verbal lashing.


…To Be Continued…

Next Story…

Colleen Reimer

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