
The Plan Proceeds

As I left Onika’s fine mansion, my spirit felt bolstered. Agreeing to the High Society women’s plan gave me tremendous pleasure and a focus I desperately needed. Before I left the ladies tea time, Letha and Narcissa both agreed to spread rumors through the taverns via some of their servants. Soon all of Dwarkaa High Society would be abuzz with the gossip.

When I returned to Magdalon’s home, I again changed into a seductive gown and joined him for dinner. I smiled at him with what I hoped looked like desire. Attempting to cover up my growing contempt for the man was a struggle. The meal progressed in virtual silence and I wondered what was on his mind.

His gaze was a mixture of interest and distrust. He’d obviously heard some news. We again enjoyed numerous glasses of mead and when he led me from the table, I assumed he’d take me to his bed chamber.

Instead he led me toward to the sitting room where his servants had prepared a blazing fire in the hearth. The air had warmed significantly and I found it rather stifling. We sat in the plush chairs facing the flames and enjoyed another glass of mead together.

He suddenly released a seething sound between his teeth, turned toward me and asked, “So tell me, what have you truly been up to these last few days?”

I glanced at him with a look of surprise. “What ever do you mean?”

“Do you know what I learned today?”

I shook my head.

“Three of the women I consort with are dead. Two were clearly killings and one is a mystery. Tell me what you know of this.”

“I know nothing of this and how dare you accuse me this way.”

“You’re lying!” he said in anger.

I prepared myself for a violent confrontation and placed a hand within the folds of my skirt where I had numerous hidden pockets concealing my weapons.

“What are you implying? That I killed them with my bare, delicate, High Society hands? How would I possibly accomplish such a feat?”

“I don’t know.” He stood and paced before the fire. “You clearly hired a killer to perform your dirty work.”

“I don’t know of any killers such as what you speak of. And, doing so would place my life in great risk. Don’t you think I’m aware how you would respond to such a happening? Why would I want to anger my covering this way? Why would I purposely arouse abuse against myself?”

He stopped pacing and stood before me, his hands balled into fists and his face a shade of red. “You have warned me before of consorting with other women. You threatened that you would not allow me this pleasure. You are the only suspect in this case.”

“You give me way too much credit. Although I am incensed that you allow others to fulfill your base needs, I would never take matters into my own hands. To arouse your wrath is not something I would ever do, Magdalon. I long for your love and your respect. You actually believe me capable of such a vile act?”

My words were calming him and I felt grateful. I had no desire to use my weapons against him, at least not yet.

“Then who is responsible?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps the true killer or killers will be exposed with the talk in the taverns. What I would suggest is to send servants to the drinking establishments to learn any news they can.”

He looked at me with a new perspective and his face slowly returned to its normal color. “You really do care for me, don’t you?”

I stood and stepped toward him. “Of course I do. You are my handsome covering and I your loving and supportive coverling. We are a team and no suspicion or maligning accusation should be allowed to separate us.

His gaze still looked uncertain as he tried to decipher whether I was trustworthy or not.

I reached up and placed the palm of my hand against his cheek in affection. “I don’t know what I would do if anything happened to you, Magdalon. To please you, to bring you joy, is my only desire. To think that you don’t trust me crushes my heart.”

He took hold of my wrist, lowered my hand and squeezed until pain shot up my arm. “Don’t mess with me, Tamasa. I will not be made to look the fool. If your words are true, I receive them. But if I find you have double-crossed me, you will be made to pay.”

“I would never think of lying to you. I value my life too much.”

He finally let go of my wrist and I released a small huff of air.

Magdalon allowed a small smile as though my pain gave him pleasure.

He took my relief as a sign of fear for my life when in fact I was comforted that I was not forced to kill him.

Magdalon said, “My desire is to also bring you joy, Tamasa, but in the confines of my personal well-being. Gratifying my wishes and my needs is my greatest goal. If you step in the way of my aspirations, you will suffer. You would do well to remember that.”

I lowered my chin and said, “Of course.”

Holding out his hand, he waited for me to respond. Reluctantly, I placed my hand in his and allowed him to lead me to his bed chamber. I endured the night’s activity and slipped back to my room as soon as he was asleep.

That night I hardly slept. After pondering my next stage of action, I slipped over to Akiko’s room, told her the events of my day and discussed the plans that were forming. She was eager to assist and agreed to depart in the morning to fulfill my wishes.

Returning back to my bed chamber, I scribed a few missives which Akiko would deliver in the morning. I then went outside into the dark of night and into the thick growth of trees and bushes. I’d noticed some black locust trees and knew this hard wood would be perfect to craft some bows. After finding a few branches on the ground, I took them to a hidden spot within the trees and began to perfect a few strong bows with my carving knife.

Later, after a few hours of sleep, Akiko entered my room and I gave her the notes she needed to deliver. I managed to dress alone and had a full breakfast in the dining room by myself. Magdalon had already left for work.

Mid-morning, Akiko returned, gave me the product she’d purchased and assured me she’d accomplished everything I’d asked.

Early afternoon I slipped into the garden outside my bed chamber door and waited on a bench. Soon I noticed someone silently sneaking through the woods to my right. I would have missed him if I had not been waiting for his appearance. I stood and walked in among the trees and shrubs where I knew the man was hiding.

I whistled softly and he appeared around the trunk of a tree and walked toward me. He was older, with a week’s stubble on his cheeks and with a sprinkling of white in his auburn hair.

“You are the one I summoned?”

“Yes. My name is Malak.”

“And you work here, on the Royal Palace Grounds?”

“Yes. I am employed in the Royal Stables.”

“Then you know the young man by the name of Kerrim?”

“Yes. I have met him. He has much to learn.”

I nodded. “Of course.”

“You wish to have some women disposed of?”

“Yes.” I handed over a list.

“And they all work here on the Palace Grounds?”

“Yes. Are you adept at handling a bow and arrow?”


I handed over a small bow I’d made and the hair thin arrows I’d crafted.

“These look very flimsy. What damage will they do?”

“They don’t have to do any damage. The power will be in the tip and the load they carry.” I handed over a satchel. “Open this.”

He opened it and withdrew a vial of brown liquid. Looking me in the eye, he asked, “What is it?”

“This is what you will use to lace the tips of the arrows. The arrow simply needs to pierce the skin. Once the liquid enters the body, it will quickly overtake the person with symptoms of a sickness. Within a day they will be dead and everyone will believe a plaque has broken out.”

“Ingenious,” the man said while studying the small bow and hair line arrows. Holding one up, he said, “It looks like a thin strand of dried grass or straw.”

“Yes, but in reality it is a thin sliver of wood polished and sharpened to perfection. Once inserted into the skin, it will break off easily at the brush of a hand. No one will ever find evidence of foul play.”

“When do want this done?”

“Wait four days. That should be enough time for the other plans I’m putting in place.”

He nodded and turned to go.

Before he disappeared into the trees, I said, “One more thing.”

He turned back toward me. “What is it?”

“Do you know someone by the name of Bodil?”

“I’ve heard of her but have not seen her.”

I nodded and he turned and left.

Back when Akiko and I arrived on the Farrin of Dwarkaa, Bodil was the woman who had taken us in when we needed a place to stay. Bodil had decided to go into Casimer’s employ disguised as a male. Her short hair and masculine features would help in pulling off the deception but I often wondered about her and how she was doing. She was so close and yet felt so distant. I longed to reconnect with her. I was glad to hear she was still alive and well.

I wandered back to my bed chamber and prepared to head back to Krishay Manor. I had work to do and I couldn’t wait to accomplish it. Akiko accompanied me back to the manor in the carriage and helped me prepare for the night’s work.

As she helped me dress she talked. “I’ve already been hearing whispers among the servants. Word is getting around the taverns quite quickly.”

“Tell me.”

Akiko allowed a small smile and began her tale. “There is talk that the mistresses and whores of the men of High Society are aggravated by jealousy and possessiveness. A rumor is spreading like wild fire that they have secretly begun lynching each other off in their anger and resentment. Fear is growing among the brothels. Although only two have been killed, their fear is growing as the rumors swell. The plan to spread mistrust between the women was ingenious, Viveka.”

“I would prefer if you would call me by the name everyone else in High Society knows me by. I would hate for the truth to be exposed by mistake through your lips.”

“Of course. Tamasa it is then.”

“Tonight, others will be joining the ranks of the lynched.”

“I would prefer if you’d allow me to join you.”

“No. I need you here to assist my exit and my return. I work best alone anyway.”

“So, from now on you will kill more discreetly?”

“Yes. Everyone will know whose mistress and whore is being done away with but the lack of proof will infuriate every High-Born and important male of Hadeon’s employ. Frustration and fear will grow like a sickness among the high and mighty.”

“All at your hand,” Akiko stated.

“No, at the hand of Tarman Farrin and the one who rules there.”

Akiko was about to say his name but I placed a finger to my lips to stop her. She nodded and went to get my dark, oversized cape. She then helped pin up my hair so it was disguised into a shorter style. Soon I was ready and when the sky turned dark and the night was well entrenched, we entered the gardens behind my estate and hurried toward the hidden gate.

Before I slipped on through, Akiko asked, “So how many tonight?”

“Five, maybe six. The lists I’ve been given will keep my busy every night.”

“Be careful,” she advised before I lowered myself through the small opening and walked toward the street.

Staying close to the shadows of buildings and dark alleys I worked my way through my list.

I accomplished my work in record time. Using the small bow and thin arrows as my weapon of choice, I was able to rush from home to home and various establishments, delivering the punishment quickly and efficiently. Within a day they would all be dead.

I used my throwing knife on a select few, to ensure the rumor of some mistresses and whores killing each other would remain believable.

My fellow High Society women in the secret Tempest and wives of the high and mighty men of Dwarkaa would all rejoice by week’s end. Each one within this hidden group had all sent me their list of those needing purged from the land of the living. Doing what I do best, hunting and killing caused a rush of blood lust to roar through my veins. I tried to kill at least one from each list, thereby giving each High Society woman a reason to celebrate.

The next night, I again accomplished a great deal and stroked off a few more names from my lists. Both nights drained me of sleep but the rush of adrenaline was enough to energize me and sustain me through the days.

The following day I again planned to head out at night but late that afternoon a carriage arrived and an unwelcome and unexpected guest entered Krishay Manor. He found me in my sitting room at my desk. When I glanced up and saw him, my heart fell in disappointment. I tried to hide my frustration and smiled.

“Magdalon. You came to join me.” I stood and walked toward him. “What a pleasant surprise.”

“Really? Are you truly pleased to see me?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I thought perhaps I’d be disrupting your plans.”

“My plans are wrapped up in bringing you pleasure.”

He released a derogatory huff of air through his nose. “I highly doubt that.”

I spread one hand to the sitting area on one side of the room. “Come. Sit with me.”

A few servants entered at that moment carrying trays filled with afternoon pastries and drinks. We sat and they served us.

Magdalon looked troubled.

“What is bothering you, my dear covering?”

He looked at me and said, “I’ve heard more news.”

“What type of news?”

“There is talk among Casimer’s employees and he has also learned of it. There have been deaths among the Royal Guards that oversee the populace of Dwarkaa’s disenfranchised. We are told that some equipment is failing and has been back firing on the guards, injuring many and killing some.”

“That is horrible news.”

“Casimer is raging over it. He suspects the populace is rising against him. I suspect many of the populace will be arrested in retaliation and punished.”

“By punished, you mean killed?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Why is this bothersome to you?” I asked.

“One of my friends, your former beau, has been thoroughly interrogated. His area of jurisdiction, the Royal Guards he oversees, has seen a tremendous surge in injuries and deaths and he is being held responsible.”

I remained silent and waited for Magdalon to continue.

“There is talk of a potential arrest and a public execution. If this is to take place, Daegel, his new bride, Jinx, and all of his servants and staff will be killed. We will be required to attend the execution. I wanted you to be aware of what might be coming.”

“Is that why you came?”

“One of the reasons.”

“Of course you also came because you missed me.” I smiled teasingly.

“Don’t pride yourself too much. You are simply one of many but you are my coverling so I do esteem you above the others.”

I hated him for reminding me again of my status as being one of many.

He stared at me and grimaced. “I’ve heard that others have died, women, mistresses of the other men of High Society. What can you tell me of this?”

“Why do you assume I would know anything about this matter?” I asked, attempting to look as insulted as possible. “Don’t come here to my estate and accuse me of things I know nothing about.” I relaxed my shoulders and asked, “What did you learn about the talk in the taverns? Did you discover anything from the servants you sent?”

Staring at me in distrust, he finally said, “Yes. But I wonder how you knew there would be talk in the taverns.”

“Isn’t that where secrets always emerge? After enough drinks, tongues grow loose and tales are told.”

After a deep sigh, Magdalon tore his eyes away from me, looked into the ebbing fire in my hearth and said, “Jealousy seems to have taken over the women of this land. They are lynching each other, just like you suggested. I don’t understand why things have changed. Women have never been as sensitive as now. Don’t you all realize that society works best if everyone stays to their own class and station in life? Why stir the pot?”

“Are you speaking to me or to those of the whore and mistress class?”

He didn’t bother answering. Instead he said, “There are other rumors surfacing as well. It seems that some type of sickness is taking over the women but only those who are mistresses to men of High Society. Talk has begun that the men are spreading disease among them and causing their deaths.”

“That is horrible. Do you mean to tell me that you might also be carrying this disease?”

Magdalon turned and glared at me. “I wonder why our wives are not affected.”

“Perhaps we are of a stronger breed. I suppose being Dwarkaa High-Born comes with advantages.”

Magdalon shook his head in disagreement. “All women are weak and easily manipulated by their feelings. I don’t believe for a moment that the men of High Society are spreading disease. The source of this sickness must be thoroughly investigated. There must be a way to stop this madness among the women from continuing. These rumors must be halted and this disease brought under control. Xion suggested bringing in the best doctors to bring a halt to its spread.”

These rumors and this sickness cannot be stopped, you pompous, self-absorbed imbecile!

He was worried and I was glad. I refrained from saying what was raging through my mind. I hoped Daegel’s execution would be the first of many as I formulated how to accomplish this. Watching his execution did not thrill me and I hoped I’d be spared observing what Casimer might be planning.

But to disrupt Casimer’s rule and to create chaos in his oppressive kingdom fueled me. I would not stop until I accomplished great upheaval, until fear would overtake that madman and terror ruled over the men of High Society.


…To Be Continued…

Next Story…



Colleen Reimer

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