
High Society Ladies Tea

I’d sent a servant to fetch Akiko for me and I paced the floor of my room as I waited. There was a ladies tea scheduled for the afternoon and I needed to prepare.

Thoughts of how my life had changed coursed through my mind. A span of four weeks had transpired since moving into my so-called uncle’s estate, Krishay Manor. I’d already been courted by two men, first Daegel, whom I promptly decided against, and then Magdalon, who courted me for one short week. That was long enough to convince me that he was the right one for me. We’d been coupled for two weeks now and I considered him an acceptable man.

Magdalon was raised by his mother and he still visits her regularly. She was a strong and good influence, one that taught him how to treat a woman. When I insisted on my freedom and independence, he was very agreeable. I spend half my time at my own estate and the other half with Magdalon. He seems to also enjoy his space and, on rare occasions, joins me at Krishay Manor.

Not only did I find an agreeable man, I gained access to the Royal Grounds where Magdalon’s home is located. His residence is not as large and elaborate as mine but it is far grander than anything on my home farrin or even the fine neighborhoods of Dwarkaa, which I travel through occasionally.

Learning more every day of the workings of the Royal Palace Grounds has been a benefit. Magdalon freely speaks of his work and the other business that is done from that location. There are many buildings and many divisions of Casimer’s regime that operate from the Royal Grounds.

The elaborate Royal Palace sits back from the rest of the coastal city on a promontory overlooking the structures, buildings and houses that span toward the sea. A wide, pea-graveled road leads to the Royal residence, which not only holds Casimer’s living quarters but is surrounded by out buildings housing the Royal Guard, the Royal Equestrian Stables and the Royal Carriage Storehouse.

There are other impressive structures on Casimer’s land. A large indoor coliseum is located at the back of the property which is used for royal business meetings and Casimer’s rare appearances before the leaders of Dwarkaa. Magdalon told me that ship captains are at times included in those formal gatherings.

A large outdoor amphitheatre is situated beside the indoor coliseum. Sometimes meetings are held there but it’s mostly used for high profile executions. There are always those in Casimer’s regime who fail his expectations and suffer for it. Seldom are any from his Inner Circle eliminated but Magdalon has told me that it has happened from time to time. Casimer always takes advantage of those situations to instill greater respect and fear from his subjects.

Razmig and Vanora secured a runner as one of my servants. Her name is Tanda. I decided to keep Tanda at my estate and placed her as part of the kitchen staff. I also gave instruction to the cook that Tanda would be the one to be sent on market duty. The cook was not impressed but she did not argue with my decision.

Thankfully Razmig and Vanora saw fit to suggest another runner for me. I also hired a young man by the name of Razul as a stable boy to help care for my horses. I sent word to Razmig and Vanora via this runner of my nuptials. I heard back that they were not pleased with my decision. Apparently they hold the belief that my presence so close to Casimer would create too much risk of exposure. I disagree. They would both need to accept and adjust to my recent choice of covering.

A knock at my door stopped my impatient pacing and I turned to see Akiko enter. Akiko headed straight for my wardrobe to choose a gown for me and came back carrying an extremely lacy, frilly bright blue one.

I shook my head. “No. I will not wear that one. I need something more elegant for this ladies tea, something more subdued.”

I watched as she returned the gown to my wardrobe and scanned over the numerous choices of attire available. I was slowly growing used to the multitude of gowns in various hues and shades at my disposal. That I was now becoming choosy of what I wore made me smile in amusement.

As a Lady’s Maid, I asked her to move with me between Krishay Manor and Magdalon’s home. She went wherever I did and I was thankful for the company.

Akiko emerged from my closet with another gown. This one was a dark green with minimal embellishments, off-white lace in a few places and silver buttons in a line down the center bodice and a few on the edges of the sleeves. I liked it.

“That one will do.”

While she helped me dress, she asked, “So how is the newly wed? And how is the marriage bed? Are things going well?”

I made a derogatory sound. “He is needy like men are.”

“So I take it that he is pleased with his choice?”

“As pleased as he can be.”

“And you? How do you like being Magdalon’s coverling?”

“It is a necessary evil I must endure for the cause.”

Akiko placed a finger to her lips and whispered, “Do not mention the cause so close to Casimer or his incessant Tonrar. We need subversive language, code that only we know.”

“Then what shall we call it.”

Akiko stayed in thought as she tugged at the tight waist and buttoned up the back of my gown. When she finished, she placed her hands on her hips and said, “How about we name it Tempest.”

“All right. We will speak with Rasul and Tanda and let them know. I will get them to deliver the information to a staff member who works on Casimer’s Royal Grounds and they in turn can spread the news.”

“The leaders should also be told of the code.”

I nodded and said, “I will send word to them as well.”

Akiko said, “You are ready. Should I send in Duna to do your hair?”

Magdalon had suggested a woman, Duna, as a permanent servant who would attend to my beautification at his residence but I found her deficient in the art of hair design. I was not pleased with her.

“Yes. Send her in.” I suddenly thought of something. “Wait.”

Akiko turned and looked at me. “Why don’t we ask Magic if she’d like to move here and become my personal beautician?”

“You want her to move away from the beggar’s district and come here?”


“What about the woman she works for, that brothel owner, Loralai? Won’t Magic’s move cause suspicion?

“She will have to figure out a way to diffuse all suspicion. I’m sure she can come up with a believable lie. And, with Magic being a part of the Tempest, she’d be a perfect addition as a servant to this household. And I’m sure there are many women eager to get employment in her neighborhood. Perhaps Magic will know of someone who can replace her as a beautician for Loralai’s harlots, a woman who is also a part of this movement.”

“Should I send Rasul to ask her?”

“Yes. Or perhaps he knows of another runner who could send the message to the beggar’s district.”

“When we go back to your estate, I will ask him.”

I gave a slight nod and Akiko left.

Duna entered and soon my hair looked sufficient, even though not glamorous, for the afternoon’s event. The minimal combs and lack of sparkle in my hairstyle reinforced the notion of needing Magic here at my service.

The horse and carriage team was waiting for me as I exited Magdalon’s home. I again felt overwhelmed as I glanced at the massive Royal Grounds where I found myself. To be so close to that degenerate tyrant and yet feeling so removed frustrated me. I needed patience as the key players of the revolution were set in place and slowly infiltrated Casimer’s inner workings. I continually needed to remind myself that my part was vital to the advancement of removing that dictator from his eternal position.

Magdalon’s home was tucked into a stand of trees and was quite private from the rest of the massive grounds. He had his own gardens and a private sanctuary behind his residence. I often went there for some quiet reprieve.

The pea gravel roads that branched off toward each building and various places of residence were routinely maintained; making carriage rides smooth and enjoyable.

Entering the carriage, my Coachman led the team through the pea graveled paths of the Royal Palace Grounds, through the massive main gates and on to the richest residential areas of Dwarkaa City. Fifteen minutes of navigating well maintained streets, we came to a stone fence and a high metal gate closing off this High Society neighborhood from the rest of the neighborhoods surrounding it.

My Coachman was allowed entrance by the gatekeeper and led the horse and carriage team past many elaborate estates. He finally turned down a drive toward my destination, an impressive home belonging to Furud and his coverling, Narcissa.

When we rolled to a stop, my door opened and the Coachman assisted my exit. As I walked toward the elaborate double doors, they opened wide and the Footman held it as I entered. A servant greeted me, took my wrap and another servant appeared to lead the way to the tea room.

A few women were already gathered around a large circular table. Flowers in three delicate glass vases, situated on elegant lace doilies, were placed centrally on the table. Finely made tea cups and saucers sat at each assigned spot and elaborate tea pots with delicate flowery designs were scattered around the table. Platters of biscuits, scones, pastries and sweets were placed within easy reach of each attendee.

This was my first ladies tea and I was curious what it would be like and what I should expect. The servant, who led me into the room, showed me to my seat and pulled out the chair for me. When I was seated, he left and I glanced at the women present.

I recognized a few faces; Letha and Onika as well Narcissa. There was a young beautiful girl sitting next to me that I did not know and I guessed her to be in her teens.

Narcissa gave me an acknowledging glance and said, “Welcome to my home.”

“You have an extravagant estate. You are very privileged. To have all this along with your overwhelming beauty is double good luck.”

Narcissa soaked in my praise, nodded and said, “Yes. The stars have truly shone on me with favor.”

“What stars,” said the young woman beside me. “We barely get a glimpse of the moon. The stars rarely shine their light through the constant gloom.”

“That is why my favor is so rare,” Narcissa added. She looked at me, pointed at the young thing and said, “This is Jinx, Daegel’s coverling.”

I’d heard he took a woman merely a week after I became Magdalon’s wife. So this was the child bride he chose. I studied her more carefully.

Narcissa pointed to me and told Jinx, “This is Tamasa, heiress of Krishay Estate.”

Her eyes grew wide and she said, “Oh, you are the one he courted before me, the one he discarded in place of something superior.”

I immediately despised her. What a pompous, conceited, disrespectful juvenile she was. She looked as though she were barely sixteen, a babe just out of diapers. And Daegel came up with a clever deception to cover up my dismissal of him.

I said, “I don’t remember my encounter with Daegel in that light at all. I am the one who ended our courtship for someone more favorable, a man more agreeable. Perhaps if you mention this to Daegel it will jog his memory.”

Shock filled her delicate features. “I don’t believe you. He would not lie to me.”

I allowed a small smile. “I wish you luck with this man of your choice.”

“Oh, I didn’t choose him. My father and Daegel came to an agreement but I am pleased with him. He is a powerful and very important man.”

“And who is your father?” I asked.

“Ragmag. He is Grand Admiral Strutz’ body guard. I come from a very important family.” She moved her head haughtily causing her long auburn tresses to swing over her shoulder.

I was bored speaking to the immature child and turned my attention to Mitza sitting to my right.

She gave me a wink, leaned in close and, under her breath, said, “Ragmag doesn’t know what he’s done. He’s given his daughter to a treacherous man. The girl is young and stupid, knows nothing of the world of men. Jinx will learn soon enough and she will eventually change her tune. Just be thankful you escaped Daegel’s fury.”

“I am thankful. I am pleased with my choice.”

“I’m sure you are.”

“So Gorma is Jinx’s mother?” I asked as I noticed Gorma being led into the room and shown to her seat on the far side of the table

“Yes. She had no say in the matching of course but she likely didn’t complain. Gorma does not like to buck the system.”

A few more women arrived and soon every spot was occupied. Introductions were made all around and I knew I’d remember each of them. They were all coverlings of powerful men in Casimer’s regime. All the women of the men of the Inner Circle were in attendance and I learned the names of the ladies I had not met before, Darci, Keir and Nevis. There were others, Jinx of course, Mitza and Gorma, Ragmag’s coverling. That completed our number, ten in all. There were some who were invited that were unable to attend. I looked forward to meeting them at a later date.

Servants poured tea, spiked with grog and platters were passed around the table. I took a number of the fancy pastries and sweets and savored each one. I was beginning to adjust to the fancy and elaborate foods in High Society and hoped I wasn’t becoming spoiled.

The afternoon sped by as the ladies tittered and chatted, all of it superfluous and dull in my opinion. They seemed to enjoy frittering their lives away on showcasing how rich they were and how many jewels they owned. Conversation hovered around new purchases, gowns being sewn, new jewel conventions to visit, the latest gossip and new couples in courting. The incessant tea parties and meaningless gatherings still seemed like a waste of time to me and yet I knew this was my only opportunity to infiltrate and learn of the workings and ways of Dwarkaa High Society.

I noticed the wall directly opposite me suddenly shift and buckle oddly. I braced myself as I felt the oppressive presence of the Tonrar invade the room and slowly settle on the women. Each face registered terror over the unwelcome guest and the busy chattering ground to a halt as dread invaded. We stared at each other with spooked eyes, all wondering why the Tonrar had come.

A dark cloud began to swirl through the room above our heads and every eye was fixated on the weighty portentous gloom permeating the air, making it difficult to breath.

“What should we do?” asked Jinx fearfully and nearly in tears.

Gorma glanced at her daughter with trepidation and placed a finger to her lips.

“Be quiet and sit still,” advised Narcissa under her breath.

Guards, servants of Narcissa and Furud, hurried into the room, their weapons extended and at the ready to defend us. I didn’t know what good they would do against the viciousness of the Tonrar. We all braced for what was to come.


…To Be Continued…

Next Story…

Colleen Reimer

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