
A Second Visit

Two days later, I sat across from Daegel in his sitting room once again. This time I sipped the mead very slowly and I had eaten a small meal at my estate before I came. I determined I would not mix this strong mead with an empty stomach and make a fool of myself once more.

The dress I wore was as ostentatious as all the other ones in my closet. I’d chosen a gown that was a bit more subdued, a dark blue with white detail at the neck and edge of the sleeves, frilly lace that I was unaccustomed to. Azubah had once again styled my long hair into an elaborate style. I felt as though I wore a glittering bee hive on my head, trailing tresses gracing my neck.

Daegel’s appreciative gaze told me he approved of my look.

There was a question I’d been longing to ask even though I despised his profession. “Tell me, Daegel, what is your work like?”

“I quite enjoy what I do. Dealing with the riff raff, the lower class, criminals, keeping them in line and forcing them to abide by the rules of our society is paramount in stabilizing Dwarkaa.”

“How are they dealt with?”

“I don’t deal with the disenfranchised personally, although I do give directives to the men under my command. They do the dirty work and they perform it meticulously.”

“Whatever motivated you to enter this line of work?”

“My family’s position in High Society offered many opportunities. During my training at the Royal Guard Training Center, I was seen as a prime candidate for a position as a Royal Guard Squad Leader. They liked my strong personality, leadership ability and the way I motivated other trainees. I was asked to enter training as a leader in the Royal Guard and of course I said yes.”

I was certain that declining the offer was no option at all, not in Dwarkaa’s Domain.   

“I’ve never regretted it. Casimer pays his top employees well.” He swung his hand in a large arc. “As you can see, I live well.”

“There are obviously benefits to serving Casimer.”

“Yes. But I don’t want to discuss my work, not tonight. I want to learn more about the beautiful Tamasa. Tell me about your childhood, how you were raised.”

Shifting my thought processes and drawing upon the deceptive narrative I’d memorized, I said, “I was a spoiled, cared for child. As I told you on our first visit, I was given many opportunities to better myself and indulge in various activities. Nothing I desired was withheld. My father was a very giving man.”

“He served as an Apolake Ship Captain, is that not correct.”

“Yes. He was both a ship captain and a merchant with much land that produced handsomely for him. My father had jurisdiction over the farrins to the northeast. As you probably know, those land masses are some of the largest and most populated clans in Dwarkaa’s entire Domain. He died at the hands of a jealous and vindictive man who could not tolerate my father’s status or station. My mother committed suicide shortly afterwards.”

“I am sorry for your losses.”

“I have survived and they left behind servants and wealth so I was taken care of of.”

“How old were you when you became an orphan?”

“In my late teens. I had many years with my parents.”

“Yes you did.” Daegel’s eyes looked soft and caring.

“I must tell you that I am a very independent and strong minded woman. I am not some simple fawning female in dire need of a man. I have managed fine on my own for many years. I do not take well to being told what to do. Know that if I choose you to cover me, it will be in name only. This will be an arrangement of sorts and not a hierarchy.”

“What do you mean?” Daegel looked concerned.

“If you treat me as an inferior, manipulate me or try to control me, things will not go well for you.”

His bushy eyebrows furrowed and nearly met in the middle. “Are you threatening me?”

Allowing a coquettish and disarming smile, I said, “I am simply stating facts. Being upfront and truthful is the only way to go into any type of arrangement or partnership.”

“I don’t like the sound of this at all.”

“What part do you not like?” I asked.

“If you agree to this union, I will be the head of the home and you will be my coverling. Women have little say in any decision or matter.”

“I will not marry without a partnership agreement.”

“What exactly do you mean by that?”

“I mean that I will retain my rights to my homes, my properties, my body and my will. I will go where I want. At times I will visit my family home in Venilia and will not always be around for your beck and call. I enjoy my freedom too much to be confined to one place.”

Daegel still looked concerned but a tickle of a smile lit his lips. “You are a strong woman. I guessed right in surmising that you are very different from the young fawning women of Dwarkaa City who are so eager to be covered.”

“I am nothing like them.”

“I think that perhaps your father was too lenient with you. He would have shown you a kindness in being harsh.”

“Don’t worry. I have seen many harsh things in my life. Who in Casimer’s Domain has not?”

Suspicion clouded his face. “Why do you speak of Casimer’s Domain? You use unusual speech. Everyone in Dwarkaa City refers to Dwarkaa Capital and never Casimer’s Domain. Here we give honor to Casimer by speaking only of his Grand City, the place where he dwells. Where did you learn to say that?”

My throat constricted at my mistake. I was told by Vanora the vernacular to use while living in Dwarkaa City and this was my first slip. “I’ve heard it spoken by my father and some of his fellow ship captains. This is what the farrin clans say when referring to Casimer’s rule.”

He leaned forward and said, “I would advise you to refrain from using that term here in the Grand City.”

“Of course.” Shaking off my error, I changed the subject. “Are your parents still alive?”

“Yes. They are. My mother is a very subservient woman, which has helped her live a long life.”

I recognized his warning and the threat which lay beneath.

He continued, “My father is still in Casimer’s employ and doing well.” Although his words were full of confidence, I noticed concern in his dark eyes.

“I hear that not too many who are in Casimer’s employ live out a full life.”

Daegel placed a finger to his lips to hush me and quietly said, “Perhaps in the outlying towns you are able to say whatever it is you like but here, in Dwarkaa City, we do not speak derogatorily of Casimer in any way whatsoever.”


“Casimer is great and his Kingdom is over all.”

“Casimer is great indeed,” I responded as I’d been taught, although I felt like gagging with the words. I lifted my goblet and downed the rest of my mead.

Daegel lifted his goblet as well and finished his drink. He stood, extended a hand to me and said, “Let’s go. Dinner is served.”

I stood, took his offered hand and allowed him to lead me from the room and on to his expansive dining hall. From the size of it, I concluded that he likely entertained large groups.

He confirmed it by saying, “If you do decide to become my coverling, you need to be aware that I host many dinner parties with high ranking Dwarkaa officials. You will get to know many important people, those closest to Casimer.”

“Does Casimer ever join in on these dinners?”

Daegel was about to pull out the chair for me to be seated but he stopped and stared at me. “What makes you think Casimer would ever lower himself to attend a dinner party hosted by one of his employees?”

“I don’t know. I simply thought that he would enjoy being served and catered to by one of his trusted men.”

“No. Casimer is the Great Lord over all the farrins. He does not need to be served and catered to, not in that way. To do his will, carry out his commands is the only way to serve him, the only thing that brings him pleasure.”

“But surely he eats,” I said with a smile.

“I don’t know that. I’ve never seen him enjoy a meal. I don’t believe he needs to eat.”

“Then how does he survive?”

“He is a god. How do gods survive? Does anyone really know the answer to that?”

A sliver of fear raced up my spine but I refused to show my anxiety. I’d heard stories and tales told of him but no one was entirely sure what or who he was. I was tempted to ask more questions but I couldn’t bear to know the answers, not just before eating a meal. My stomach was already churning from our conversation.

Daegel pulled out my chair and I sat. He took a seat opposite me and, as soon as he did, servants began to enter. Glasses of water and fresh goblets of mead were set before us. Next, another servant came with the first course, some greens in a sauce. Course after course was brought before us until I thought I would burst. I simply was not accustomed to eating this much. My stay in the pauper’s district had drastically weaned me from the need of excessive food.

Conversation hovered around more pleasant things for the rest of the evening, family, friends, upcoming events and social gatherings planned.

After dinner, Daegel led me to his expansive gardens behind his home. Oil burning torches were set into stands in various places, lighting up the night and casting a soft glow on various plants, shrubs, fountains and benches located in a large plot delegated as a garden. The sight was astounding. Never had I seen a garden like this before.

On my home Akoni Farrin, there were a few clan gardens in sheltered valleys, full of practical vegetables but the produce was always sparse and heavily guarded to ensure that clan members didn’t strip them bare. Most clan members didn’t get enough food and thievery was common.

We walked on the pathways, Daegel’s hand on my elbow to guide me. The desire to push him away was uppermost on my mind but I suppressed the urge and allowed his light physical touch.

My head was clear tonight. I’d only consumed two glasses of mead, drank them slowly and had food to dilute it.

“Tell me,” Daegel asked, “how you plan to fill up your days now that you live at Krishay Manor.”

“Should you not refer to it as Tamasa Manor or Tamasa Estate? Krishay is no longer present among the living.”

“It will always be known as Krishay Estate. I’d suggest you adjust to that reality.”

Resenting his dismissive answer infuriated me but I swallowed hard and said, “It seems that women have little say in anything that transpires in this grand city.”

“The sooner you adjust, the better things will go for you here.”

Still seething, I tried to come up with a topic of conversation to steer the dialogue. I didn’t have to. Daegel beat me to it.

He asked again, “Now tell me, how will you fill your days in that grand estate that now belongs to you?”

Steadying my agitation, I said, “I’ve begun to read the vast volumes that fill the library. Yesterday I rode one of the finer horses in my stable, a three-year-old chestnut colored filly. She is wonderful and will likely be my favorite. Of course I will continue to write to my dear friends I left behind in Venilia.”

“So that is where your family home is located?”


“Tell me more of Venilia. What is it like there?”

“You’ve never been?”

“No. I don’t travel much. I have no need to. My work is here and this is where I am needed. I at times travel to my vineyards to check on things but I prefer to send servants.”

“Venilia is located by the sea. There are many Apolake Ship Captains who live there and the town has a port where many of Dwarkaa’s ships are docked. As you can imagine, there are many drinking establishments in the small town and a large bathhouse.”

Daegel gave a wide smile. “Yes. I can imagine. Sailors finally home from a long journey would want their immediate needs taken care of.”

I continued. “Venilia is normally a quiet little hovel with most living in poverty. Many launch out into the sea to catch fish, the mainstay of their diets. Then there are those in Casimer’s employ and they live very well. The nicer properties need to be heavily guarded to keep out the thieves and starving citizens but that’s not a difficult task to fulfill. There are many willing to become slaves to fill their bellies. I have quite a few hired as guards for my home.”

“What type of entertainment does Venilia have besides the drinking holes and bathhouses?”

“Those born in High Society entertain with extravagant dinners, some including music and dances. High Society in Venilia does not compare to what I have seen here.”

Daegel said, “How could it? No town or village can compare to the extravagance of Dwarkaa City. That reminds me of something. Sit here.” He pointed to a bench. “I’ll be right back.”

I nodded but didn’t sit. Watching his retreating back, I wondered what he was up to. When he disappeared around a group of trees and shrubs, I kept walking through the pathways and admired the vegetation. I particularly enjoyed the flowering shrubs and plants.

As I contemplated the evening thus far, Daegel had seemed pleasant enough. Perhaps I could endure having him cover me and become his wife. I didn’t know anything of the life of couples on Dwarkaa Farrin. I had fended for myself for so long that I didn’t know if I could pretend that I belonged to him. The idea of sacrificing my independence caused despondency to descend. Hopefully he would be willing to come to some agreement, a form of compromise so that I retained some of my freedom.

I looked up and noticed Daegel returning and carrying something in his arms. My heart warmed at the sight of him in spite of my determination not to bend to his charms.


…To Be Continued…

Next Story…

Colleen Reimer

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