
Andrei’s Admission

The faint morning light brought what I’d been hoping for. The first of the land masses we’d been assigned to visit was spotted by the lookout man. He shouted the news as soon as he saw the glimpse of rugged coast. Going over to the bow I strained to see through the persistent wind and clouds that hovered close. As we drew nearer I began to see hints of a coastline peeking through.

The Tonrar had delivered on their required task with transporting us expeditiously to the southeastern farrins. Every warrior was in position and preparing for our arrival at the first island. Men rushing about and shouts and commands barked back and forth brought me satisfaction. Finally our work could begin although my mind also reeled with the mission I’d been given. I still didn’t see how I could accomplish what needed to be done on Akoni Farrin without death being the consequence.

We’d sailed past Tira Farrin. I was told there was no need to stop at the land mass. Their minimal population was not worthy of the time it would take to stop our ship at their dock. The rugged coast of Holmger was now in view and my crew was preparing for our arrival.

The Tonrar’s heavy presence had abated some and it wasn’t too difficult to breathe. I sipped my mazagram, bringing a buzz to my head and warmth to my innards, and watched my men prepare for our first landing.

Bloodlust roared through my veins at what we’d been instructed to do. I still didn’t know whether the previous ship had already brought the terror of Dwarkaa to this farrin’s shores. My instinctual desire for the kill seemed at odds with the revolution I was supporting. I didn’t know how they could effectually coincide, although I didn’t know the revolutions entire goal. Perhaps killing would be part of the protocol. Life without barbarity seemed unfeasible.

We docked the ship and the Holmger Farrin Clan was on the shore to greet us. After some questioning it became clear that the previous ship, the one commandeered by Donagh, had landed and meted out Dwarkaa’s demands on its last tour, a mere three months earlier. I reluctantly refrained from demanding warriors to be sacrificed. We traveled to the next farrin and the next and the next. Donagh had visited each one of them and carried out and taken what was required.

Night fell well before our next designated stop, Akoni Farrin. We anchored in a cove close to the land mass we’d just visited, Oyvind Farrin, and waited until the morning.

After my evening meal I walked the deck with a mug of hot mazagran, peering out into the inky darkness, wondering what awaited us on Akoni. The hot drink chased the cool from my flesh and I felt a semblance of safety. The absence of the Tonrar brought a sense of peace to the atmosphere and I was thankful that they were not in the vicinity. Although their truancy was a welcome reprieve, I felt concern that their protection was also missing. There was a heightened sense of danger now, from debris of damaged ships in the waves, sea creatures on the prowl, and our close proximity to the mystery of Akoni Farrin. On my home land mass, Dwarkaa, the belief was circulating that Akoni Farrin had joined forces with Tarmon Farrin. Every sea captain had become terrified of going anywhere near Tarmon Farrin.

As I sipped my bitter drink, I had an uncanny feeling that we were being watched but I found that thought ludicrous. The furious wind and dust-filled air would make it impossible for anyone to spy on us. Perhaps it was Tarmon Farrin that was monitoring our moves, maybe a dragon in the sky above us. I looked up, dark night staring back at me. Even if the sky was light, the constant dark clouds and debris-filled air made it impossible to see clearly.

Curiosity pulled at me as I walked the deck. Had Donagh make it to Akoni Farrin before his ship sank? Had he enforced Dwarkaa’s demands there? Did he take numerous infants and succeed in killing some of their warriors as a warning against any uprising? If he did succeed, why did he never return to Dwarkaa?  Did his ship sink on his journey back home? Was it his battered vessel that we’d encountered on the rough sea? Soon I would know all the answers, at least that was what I hoped for.

I worried over how to accomplish my task on Akoni Farrin. The order Suma gave me suddenly seemed unattainable. I looked up to the Crow’s Nest and noticed Andrei staring out to sea. I was sure he’d already noticed me walking my rounds. The other warrior I’d assigned to man the lookout appeared through the hatch and headed to the main mast. Andrei waited until the other warrior made his way to his position, they switched and Andrei made his way down.

Andrei walked up to me as though this was his intent, stopped before me and said, “Are you ready for the night’s event?”

“What event?”

“You haven’t been informed?”

I removed the pistol from the holster at my waist and asked, “Should I shoot you right here and be done with this insubordination?” I hated being questioned as though I was ignorant, especially by one beneath me.

Andrei looked wary but continued. “I was told you could be trusted.”

“By whom?”

Andrei looked about carefully, turned back to me and said in a lowered voice, “The man in the night visions.”

I felt shock at his mention of visions and was cautious of trusting anyone. “No one has dreams.”

“They are starting to happen again.”

“What do you mean?” I knew I needed to be careful. This could be a trap. Perhaps Andrei was a spy sent on this mission by Dwarkaa Farrin, by Casimer himself.

Andrei said, “No one had dreams or visions for hundreds and hundreds of years, maybe longer. But now, they have begun again.”

I glared at him. “Who else is having these encounters?”

“I know of a few people. I know that you have them.”

The conversation was too much for me and the risk too great. I raised my pistol to his chest and was about to shoot him when I heard a whooshing sound to my left. I turned as a gust of wind hit me hard, threw my right hand into spasms and tore the pistol from my grasp. The weapon skittered across the deck and landed next to some rigging.

I turned to stare at Andrei and said, “Meet me in my cabin in half an hour.” I went to pick up my weapon and headed to my room, my mind racing as to what this could mean.

When Andrei knocked on my door I was ready with the questions. I let him in and pointed to a chair facing my desk. I sat and studied him for a moment.

I asked, “Do you know what caused my hand to slacken and the weapon to be torn from my grasp? What magic is at play?”

“I don’t know. All I was told is that something significant would transpire this night.”

“What is the man’s name, the man who appears to you in the night visions?”

Andrei sat forward and said, “His name is Kranti.”

I leaned back, shock pummeling me.

“You have been in communication with Kranti. And Suma appeared to you in a night vision.”

“How do you know this?” I asked.

“Kranti told me.”

I studied Andrei a while longer, deciding whether he could truly be trusted. “What do you know of Kranti?”

“He has been planning a revolution for many, many years. He is a very old man and he has built up an impressive army.”

“You have seen this army?”

“No, but he told me.”

“And you believe him?”

“Don’t you?”

“What if you are being deceived?”

“Then you are also in a similar delusional mindset as I.”

I did not like being made to question my mental capacity. To think that we were both being lied to, led around by visions and dreams, only to end up disillusioned and disappointed irritated me.

Andrei’s eyes lit up as he leaned in closer and whispered, “But…what if it’s true. What if a revolution is brewing, the army is real and Tarmon Farrin is on the move. What if it is possible to overthrow Casimer and be rid of his incessant diabolical rule? Doesn’t that sound better than anything Casimer has ever offered through the centuries?”

Hope had gotten a hold of Andrei and I could see how dangerous that was. It had done the same thing to me but it might be the very thing that would destroy us both. Hope was an unforgiving fantasy and better left buried. When the hint of hope is detected by any of Casimer’s Royal Guards, every semblance of it is snuffed out quickly. We are constantly reminded that devastation and despair are our only lot.

“Your talk is full of air and can get you killed more quickly than a stray arrow at warrior training.”

“I had to speak with you.”

“Why tonight and why when we’re so close to Akoni Farrin? Do you know what we’re to do when we reach Akoni?”

“Yes. We need to make it appear as though we have inflicted the terror of Dwarkaa on Akoni, return back home and report it to the palace, appease Casimer for a time.”

That Andrei knew the plan caused me to feel relief and terror simultaneously. I was suddenly not carrying the risk alone and yet the man verbalizing it openly brought my possible demise full blown into my immediate future.

I wanted desperately to ask him how we were to accomplish this but I didn’t want to reveal my ignorance. “Are you ready for the risks involved?”

“Yes. I know Tarmon Farrin will see to it that we survive, that we make it back to Dwarkaa.”

I nodded.

Andrei asked, “So you’ve been given the plan?”

I decided to change the subject. “Tell me the truth. What do you know of tonight?”

“Kranti informed me that something would transpire through the dark hours before we reach Akoni Farrin. I know nothing more.”

But if this is true, why wasn’t I told? Would not Tarman Farrin have shared the plan with me? And why did Suma not inform me clearly of what would happen. I stared at Andrei distrustfully.

“I can see that you don’t believe me. I also find it difficult to trust the visions. But I’ve seen too many things take place that I first learned in my sleep. Perhaps by morning both of us will believe.”

“If only we knew what to prepare for. I don’t like the mystery.”

Andrei and I talked for hours about the possibilities of what might happen through the night. When he finally left, well past midnight, I knew sleep would elude me so I decided to stay at my desk and scribe the happenings of the day.

I was thankful that I had a man to stand with me in this mission. A thought suddenly crossed my mind. Back on Dwarkaa, before our mission, I’d spotted Andrei in a beggarly area and speaking to Vanora, my future bride. I suddenly wondered over his agenda and if he was hiding something from me. Or, was Vanora also part of the revolution? I didn’t trust either one of them. Perhaps this truly was a trap set by Casimer.

Noises from above stopped my journaling as I attempted to decipher what was happening. Blood curdling screams thrust me to my feet and I rushed up to the deck.

…To Be Continued…

Next Story…

Colleen Reimer

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